

Core Principles

The Company has set core principles for its governance which are:

  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Ethics
  • Professionalism
  • Compliance

These principles are at foundation of governance model of the Company. All the policies, procedures and agreements are made and implemented with these core principles in mind.

Integrity at the root is the main guiding principle. The Company has no compromise policy for integrity.

With integrity comes transparency. This is the main off-shoot of integrity and dignity. Transparency in every dealing and disclosure is core to the Company.

With integrity at the root, brings ways to methods to deal in the best possible way called the Ethics. While Professionalism, is to conduct every part and phase of the business with best possible resources and in best possible ways. This brings subtlety to business decisions and ensures integration of all levels.

Being a Compliant organization to all applicable laws, regulations and standards is central to the Company’s values.

Internal Controls

The Company’s internal controls are designed and implemented with a view to the Company’s Core Principles.

Internal controls are made to ensure that every thing is conducted with integrity as basic principle. Internal control blueprint is to make sure that:

  • Duties are assigned to right persons
  • Duties are segregated
  • Chain of checking & reporting exists
  • Alternate ways available in case of non-availability of a person
  • Routine maintenance/replacement is properly conducted
  • Least possible hazardous impact on environment
  • Departments are integrated
  • Each step is adequately reported
  • Any malfunctioning/undesired activity is timely and adequately reported and acted upon

Departments & Consolidation

For sake of proper functioning the Company is divided into some departments. All departments are under one board of directors. The departments are:

  • Finance
  • Production & Technical
  • Purchasing
  • Marketing
  • IT & ERP
  • Human Resource
  • Departments are integrated
  • Corporate & Secretariat
  • Administration
Each area is headed by a departmental head. Each departmental head is assisted with various sub sector heads. Departments are linked vertically and horizontally to make the functioning of the Company in best possible way.

This two-way-simultaneous linking pave the way for consolidating overall objective of the Company decided by the Board of Directors and disseminated to each level through departmental heads.

Functions performed by each department are described in abridged form as under:


  • Maintaining PKR impact of each transaction
  • Reporting the transactions in standardized way
  • Issuing financial information to public
  • Liaison with analysts
  • Maintain relationship with local and international lenders
  • Monitoring the financial impact of each transaction
  • Assessing and advising on cost-benefit relations
  • Maintaining the necessary records
  • Managing the taxation affairs including income tax, sales tax, excise duties, customs, levies etc.
  • Acting as primary focal point for internal & external independent auditors
  • Acting as the terminating point of marketing and purchasing departments as receivables and payables sub sections.
  • Managing the budgets and planning
  • Managing the foreign currency and interest based exposures


  • Maintaining wide network of suppliers of goods and services in and out of country
  • Obtaining best quotes from best suppliers
  • Choosing the quote in terms of quality and economy
  • Ensure timely supply of required goods or services


  • Developing the product market within Pakistan
  • Developing the product market outside Pakistan
  • Develop strategies for market penetration
  • Conducting market surveys
  • Arranging promotional and advertisement activities
  • Maintaining logistics arrangement
  • Developing brand name
  • Maintaining balance in factory production and dispatches
  • Ensure timely supply of product to dealers and customers

Corporate & Secretariat

  • Maintaining the shares and shareholders record
  • Addressing the shareholders grievances
  • Liaison with corporate authorities of the country
  • Preparing, keeping and submitting the mandatory records with corporate governing authorities and bourses
  • Issuing notices of corporate nature
  • Conducting board and shareholders meetings and maintaining record thereof
  • Responsible for any correspondence with authorities and bourses
  • Responsible for charge filing and other activities pertaining to charges

Production & Technical

  • Surveying for best equipment & supplier
  • Analysing equipments of various suppliers and picking up the right one
  • Keep all the equipment and running condition
  • Keeping and implementing the most appropriate maintenance program
  • Ensuring the quality of the product
  • Ensuring the health, safety and environment standards implementation
  • Bringing innovation to the production processes
  • Maintaining the stores, spares and workshops


  • Maintaining state of the art IT systems in the Company
  • Provision of necessary equipment to staff for performing duties
  • Troubleshooting
  • Ensuring security of the equipment and stored data
  • Maintaining ERP system and keep it updated
  • Arrange for training of the users and smooth transition between systems
  • Maintaining necessary stocks for any abrupt demands
  • Maintaining backups and disaster recovery plan
  • Ensure successful testing of the backups and DRP

Human Resource

  • Assessing the Company requirements for various talents
  • Discussing the requirements of departments
  • Develop strategies for market penetrationMaintaining resume banks and links with outsourced talent hunters
  • Advertising the jobs
  • Designing and updating job descriptions
  • Conducting annual appraisals and earmarking the benefits increments and promotions
  • Addressing the human capital grievances and resolving the issues
  • Act as arbitrator for human resources issues
  • Work and arrange on continuous development of human resource
  • Arrange for trainings and workshops


  • Maintain the workplace
  • Responsible for security and safety of people working in the workplace and equipment and record of the Company
  • Provision of all necessary items and environment for staff for performing duties
  • Maintaining the company vehicles fleet
  • Keeping the discipline in the workplace
  • Trainings of workplace safety, discipline, health and environmental issues
  • Maintaining first aid and all necessary measures to combat any untoward event
  • Assisting the general society on issues pertaining to health, environment, sports, handicapped persons etc.
  • Work as host of the Company guests

Risks Mitigation through Best Governance

Production Risk

The Company has installed strict rules to ensure its production facilities secure and safe. Effective controls have been established for smooth running of production. The spares and tools policy is to maintain at all time necessary spares. We are always online and in touch with our crucial suppliers in order to manage lead times, logistics and quality issues. We always keep our selves abreast of the new developments and research being carried out with our international suppliers. All the production process is carried out with internationally and nationally accepted rules. Our all assets are fully insured. The produced stuff is ensured to be of standard and stored in well equipped places to maintain the quality.

Unforeseen Event

Our all assets, premises, stores, spares and stocks are insured.

Market & Supply & Dispatch & Credit Risk

Dispatch mechanism is quick, responsive and round the clock. Uninterrupted logistics are ensured to reach our product throughout country and in foreign markets. Effective marketing is given due importance. Searching new markets, deriving new strategies and maintaining healthy competition are among our marketing principles. We have a strong network of nationwide dealers which ensure reach of our product to ultimate customers without any hindrance and loss. It is also ensured that our product is reached to consumer in fresh condition. We also put emphasis on institutional sales. Credit is given to only institutional consumers or consumers and dealers with satisfactory track record and financial health. Most of our local sales are on advance which is about 80% of local turnover. Thus we manage credit risk very effectively. Exports sales are also mostly on advance basis while rest are on sight letter of credit issued by reputable banks around the world. We select our foreign customers with due care. We have had a successful policy of branding our product and company in few foreign markets.


On the costs side we try to make a best possible relationship with its related benefit. Over years we have invested heavily in cost reduction measures. The Company has tried to achieve margin gains through economies of scale as well.

Financial Management & Treasury

Leverage is managed to gain ultimate benefits from it. Your company has easy access to financial market at discounted prices. For any short or long term need company can easily raise considerable amounts from lenders. Company always keeps a reasonable size of finance facilities in tact to meet any abrupt demand. The company is a reputed and renowned organization not only in Pakistan but abroad as well. We have and maintained a clean history of repayments of obligations and best relationships with local and international lenders. The management of your company keeps a constant eye on all foreign currency and interest rates movements. The borrowing of the company is maintained as a mixture of local and foreign currency borrowings in order to reap maximum benefits yet managing the currency and interest rate risks.

Departmental collusion Risk

Separate departments are established for imports, purchasing, sales and receivables, payables, treasury and finance, accounts and taxation and MIS. The company has instituted a beautiful merger of centeralisation and de-centeralisation for management of its affairs. Powers are delegated at appropriate levels in all departments. While all departments are independent yet they are working for common goal with interdepartmental cooperation and harmony. CEO office and Board of Directors work as point of conjunction for all departments and as highest decision making authority.

Control Risks

Internal controls have been established at each level to ensure segregation, efficiency, effectiveness and transparency at every level of transaction. These controls not only give a strong and professional working environment but also avoid fraud and embezzlement. Approval limits have been defined and adhered to. Company has whistleblower policy to discourage activities those are deemed illegal, dishonest, or not correct within an organization that is either private or public.


The company is ISO 9001 and 14001 certified.

Reporting Financial Statements

The Company reports its financial statements in compliance with all applicable local laws and international standards as described in the financial statements.

Human Resource

The company values its employees as most important assets. We always try to develop and nourish the skills of our employees. Company tries to compensate its human workforce in every best possible way. Professionalism and integrity are core values we instill in our employees.

Health & Safety

The company takes it on priority about Health and Safety of employees. Rules are developed and adherence to those is monitored for ensuring safety while working and minimizing and health & safety hazards.


A proper system of reporting and action on it is in place. Top management regularly reviews all trends and reports. BOD quarterly reviews the performance and state of affairs of the company. To ensure transparency and truthfulness of reporting, internal audit system is in place. To further strengthen it, independent external auditors of satisfactory rating are appointed. Reporting within departments and inter departmental reporting are designed to ensure transparency and effectiveness. The reporting system is developed at each level within each department which ultimately reaches in a consolidated form to BOD.


Company has established comprehensive measures to ensure safe keeping of it records and data. An effective disaster management plan is in place for all ERP data. Company complies with legal requirements of maintenance of data.

Internal Audit

Internal audit system is in place which is independent of the management of the company and reports to BOD. Internal Audit department is governed by the Board’s instructions and terms. It carries out its activities quarterly, annually and as and when desired. Sites and Head Office are visited and checked by the internal audit team at various intervals. They have complete access to the company records and can call any explanation.